Discover How To Systematically Achieve

More Fun, Freedom, And Fulfillment In Your Life

(Without Working More Hours, Hiring More Staff, Or Sacrificing Your Business Growth)


The "Hustle" Model: An Outdated Paradigm

Have you ever wondered why you're not getting everything that you want out of lie?

The truth is you’ve been operating under an old model that defies logic. One that looks like an upside-down pyramid.

This model drains you MORE than it replenishes.

It leads you to operate from a constant DEFICIT of energy and satisfaction.

It’s unsustainable.

You're not alone.

In fact, most of us have operated this way for decades. And it certainly doesn't help when social media influencers perpetuate the "hustle, hustle, hustle" mentality.

What if we told you there's ANOTHER way — a more fulfilling and sustainable way?

The good news. There is.

At 1LifeSystem we flip the pyramid right side up!

Reversing the pyramid means restructuring the fundamentals of how you manage your energy and priorities.

It’s about shifting from a life of depletion to abundance.

If your current routine is a high-speed train, you’re well on your way to 'Burnout City'!

With 1LifeSystem, you switch tracks to “Balance-ville”. The place where success and satisfaction finally meet, giving you the life you want.

By flipping the pyramid, we restructure your life's priorities so that you operate from an abundance of energy, not a deficit, transforming not just your personal life, but your home life, and your work life!

Surprisingly, you'll find an abundance of energy flow into every aspect of your life.

Isn't It Time To Create Your Best Life Now?

Why just go with the flow, when you can steer the ship?

Stop dabbling on the sidelines and take command—not as a captain who just keeps things on course, but as a Creator of the life you truly desire.

Engage in a life that is proactive, fun, and deeply fulfilling.

We promise to empower you to mirror your professional success in your personal achievements.

Imagine a life where your personal growth and professional triumphs amplify each other, bringing about a harmony that propels you towards greatness.

With less than 1% of your time, 1LifeSystem isn’t magic—it’s a systematic approach to fulfillment.

Introducing the 1LifeSystem

You want more.

What’s in the way? Change.

The 1LifeSystem isn't just another tool in your productivity arsenal.

It's a revolutionary approach, rooted in research-supported methodologies, designed to foster lasting transformation in your personal life.

This system is crafted for high performers like you—those who have mastered their professional world and are now ready to channel some of that relentless energy into personal fulfillment.

With 1LifeSystem, you don’t have to worry about compromising your work or business.

You enhance them by becoming a more fulfilled, balanced person.

When you invest in 1LifeSystem, change is not just promised—it's systematically delivered.

The 1LifeSystem is not just another self-help program. It's designed for those who dare to dream big and are ready to make those dreams a reality.

Our system is your compass in navigating the complex path to true success, where fulfillment and freedom are not just aspirations but REAL OUTCOMES.

Why Listen To Us?

Hi, I'm Dr. Eric J. Roman...

I'm a husband, father, and entrepreneur.

After building multi-location dental companies that generated more than $200M, I was broken.

I wasn’t fulfilled and I wasn’t the husband or father I wanted to be.

The only option I felt at the time was to exit my business, which I did. Unfortunately, the sad truth is that it didn’t solve a thing!

I searched everywhere for a method or system to help me.

I’ve used all sorts of operating systems to scale and exit my businesses, BUT what I discovered was that there didn't exist an operating system that I could apply to my personal life!

So, in the years that followed, I committed my energy to building a "personal operating system" to intentionally build the life I've always dreamt of.

And I wanted to make sure this system would produce the BIGGEST positive results with the LEAST amount of effort.

Something interesting happened...It worked!

And everything else in my business, my family, and my relationships flourished as a result.

In early 2020, I was introduced to James Ure, Co-Founder of Williamsburg Learning, a transformational learning company (which coincidentally was the SAME school that one of my daughters was attending).

We shared many commonalities, including his recent exit of his previous company. But more importantly, he shared the same love of operating systems, and he has a unique gift of adapting systems for his personal and family life.

It was an instant bond and connection.

So we decided to join forces and integrate both of our experiences to

create the 1LifeSystem, the first-of-its-kind personal operating system that has enabled us to achieve MORE fun, freedom, and fulfillment in our lives.

Then we thought...why isn't everyone doing this?!

So, we decided to create the 1LifeSystem to teach people the SAME EXACT system that we've used the past few years, so that more people can achieve more fun, freedom, and fulfillment in their own lives.

Create Lasting Change with the 1LifeSystem Resources

You don’t just want change once.

You want it forever. You want it to last.

Temporary fixes and fleeting changes are not enough for someone like you.

You need a SYSTEM for your personal life – we built one just for you.

True change isn't about isolated incidents.

1LifeSystem gives you a permanent shift towards a more fulfilling life.


What We Offer


FREE Personal Values Generator™

Are you truly living according to your deepest values, or are you losing yourself in the daily grind? Break free and reconnect with what really matters to you with our Personal Values Generator™.

  • Explore: Reflect on your most joyful and proud moments to discover the values behind them.

  • Identify: Pinpoint 7-10 core values that truly define your unique essence.

  • Define: Clearly articulate your values, enhancing their meaning and impact on your life.


The Personal Vision Challenge

Participate in transformative online challenge designed to reshape and redefine what’s possible in your life. It's not just about change; it's about becoming a creator of your destiny.

  • Vision: Explore deep within to identify what truly drives you and where you see your life heading.

  • Velocity: Develop actionable strategies to accelerate your progress and learn how to set achievable milestones.

  • Vitality: Focus on cultivating the energy to sustain your new path and engage in activities that energize you on your path.


Vision Amplifier

Our signature event is designed specifically for entrepreneurs and business leaders who excel in business and are now ready to apply a proven system to master their personal lives.

  • Explore Personal Master: Move beyond traditional professional development. Unlock your potential in every area of your life by integrating personal fulfillment with business success.

  • Apply a Proven System. Utilize the brilliance of operating systems to systematically craft the life you desire. Our unique approach aligns your personal actions with your deepest values.

  • Experience Community and Accountability. Learn and grow in a community of like-minded leaders. The support extends as you implement what you’ve learned, with continuous reflection and adjustment.


VELOCITY Membership

A 12-month journey designed to help high achievers master personal leadership, achieve professional expansion, and live their best life now.

  • Access 4 Quarterly VELOCITY Events: Transformative experiences with one day per quarter allowing you to reflect, assess, and plan for the future.

  • Monthly Group Mentorship Calls: Engage in live Q&A sessions, access additional tools, and gain new mindsets and strategies for success across various areas of your life.

  • 1LifeSystem Community + Peer Accountability: Join an active community of like-minded individuals to connect, share insights, ask questions, and stay engaged in your growth journey.

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Try any of our 1LifeSystem programs for 30 days, and you're not completely satisfied, we will refund your investment.

"I can now elevate so many areas in my life, just by following the 1LifeSystem."


Unlock the full potential of your life with our 1LifeSystem Velocity Membership, valued at $48,479 – But that's not what you'll be paying!


"I left feeling so validated,"

connected, motivated, and clear about my direction and purpose in my ONE life. I was reminded that when we are able to put ourselves first, we watch our home and work life thrive. There is no such thing as work / life balance - it is all one life and we have to hold space for it all."

Special Offer Just For You

Act now and receive an exclusive 80%+ discount, making this life-changing investment more accessible than ever.

Don't wait for another year to pass by – Join now to start living the life you’ve always dreamed of with less than 1% of your time each week.

Ready to bridge the gap between your professional success and personal fulfillment?

Claim your access now.

What People Are Saying

“I don't typically get to have guided intentional time to look at what matters and go, oh well. Like, I can elevate in so many years in my life if I just use this framework.”


“Getting your life structured is when you’re showing up better for all your relationships and making yourself a priority. Don't look back on your life and wish you did something sooner.”


"If you want to change who you are, whether it's financially or spiritually, you have to say NO to that voice that's been telling you it's okay to be numb to things for so long."


“This is an extraordinary chance to look within and focus on the internal vision for what you really want out of your life. If that's important to you, 1LifeSystem will help you get there."


"This period of my life is a version update. I believe positive relationships are the greatest indicator of longevity. 1LifeSystem helped add more years to my life."


"If you're looking for fulfillment and alignment in your personal life so you can show up better in your work life, then you need 1LifeSystem. You'll be glad you did."


"At 1LifeSystem, we've developed a proven process that not only preserves less than one percent of your time but ensures that your professional success directly contributes to personal fulfillment. This is not about adding more to your plate; it’s about optimizing your life so that success at work enhances, rather than detracts from, personal happiness."

"By prioritizing your personal health and relationships, we at 1LifeSystem help create a sustainable model of success. It’s about putting your oxygen mask on first, to not only improve your own quality of life but to better serve those around you. This strategic realignment allows you to enjoy the journey as much as the destination, ensuring that you’re not just succeeding but thriving across all facets of life."

Don’t wait to prioritize your personal life. The time is now.

Join the 1LifeSystem today and step into a balanced, fulfilling future where your personal achievements shine as brightly as your professional ones.

Start your 1Life journey to unlock the life you deserve today.

Endorsed by top CEOs, productivity experts, and hundreds of high achievers, 1LifeSystem is your blueprint to a life well-lived.

Claim all this for your 1Life:

  • Clarity over overwhelm

  • Integration instead of fragmentation

  • Community, not isolation

  • Growth, not stagnation

  • Well-being over stress

  • Purposeful living versus uncertainty

  • Meaningful relationships over transactional ones

  • Proactive life instead of reactive

  • Long-term fulfillment, not short-term satisfaction

  • Empowered confidence, not self-doubt

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the 1LifeSystem?

The 1Life System is a comprehensive program designed to help high-performing entrepreneurs, CEOs, founders, and professionals integrate their personal values and visions into their professional lives, fostering a balanced and fulfilling lifestyle.

Who is the 1LifeSystem for?

It's specifically tailored for ambitious individuals who are successful in their professional lives but seek a deeper sense of fulfillment, balance, and alignment with personal values in their overall life.

How does the 1LifeSystem work?

The system combines personal leadership practices, systematic growth strategies, and community support to guide individuals through a process of personal and professional transformation.

What makes the 1LifeSystem unique?

Unlike other personal development programs, 1Life System offers a structured, holistic approach that encompasses not just professional success but also personal growth, family relationships, and overall life fulfillment.

What can I expect to achieve with the 1LifeSystem?

Participants can expect to gain clearer personal and professional visions, deeper alignment with their core values, improved relationships, and a more balanced, fulfilling lifestyle.

Are there any prerequisites for joining the 1LifeSystem?

There are no strict prerequisites, but it's best suited for individuals who are already experiencing some level of professional success and are committed to pursuing a path of personal growth and fulfillment.

How do I start with the 1LifeSystem?

Interested individuals can start by using our free resources like our Vision & Value assessments and courses, our digital resources, enrolling in the annual program, or contacting the team for a discovery call to learn more about how the system can transform their life.

"Do yourself a favor and check it out 1LifeSystem today! Your life will never be the same (in a good way)."


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Use the form to connect with our team if you have any questions about the 1LifeSystem. We look forward to connecting with you soon!


"I look forward to talking with you soon and learning how 1LifeSystem can help you achieve what you want out of life!"

–Dr. Eric J Roman

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